What happens when you say you want to create a new experience in your life?
Donna Otmani Donna Otmani

What happens when you say you want to create a new experience in your life?

When you say you want to create a new experience in your life- aka- start a new business, earn more money, release weight, get into a relationship, create a better relationship with a loved one, etc.- all the old beliefs, ways of being, and emotional patterns that kept you in the undesired state will come forward so you can clear them out.

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Going beyond what I'm capable of
Donna Otmani Donna Otmani

Going beyond what I'm capable of

I’m grateful that my trainer David has met me there both times with compassion and possibility. That combination is the key.

It gives me permission to be where I’m at and then keep on going. To keep going with the tears, with the feelings rolling around inside me.

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This isn’t some Pollyanna B.S.
Donna Otmani Donna Otmani

This isn’t some Pollyanna B.S.

It becomes even more important when I feel awkward or not good at something. As a kiddo, I never measured up athletically to other kids (f*@k you President’s Physical Fitnesses Test!). So, when I’m doing things I don’t feel good at I wanna stop and not even try.

I found that encouraging myself- “You’re learning! It’s ok to not be good at this!” “You get better at things by practicing Donna!” connects me to a greater level of willingness to keep going.

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Positive/encouraging self talk is a super power
Donna Otmani Donna Otmani

Positive/encouraging self talk is a super power

This man often has me doing things that feel hard, that challenge my ideas of what I’m capable of. Over the last two months, there have been many moments of swearing at him and dirty looks- yet with his encouragement, belief in me, and cheering me on I’ve been able to rise to the occasion.

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Who’s holding the holder?
Donna Otmani Donna Otmani

Who’s holding the holder?

Sometimes slowing down is not an option. Many of us are juggling jobs, kids, parents, and projects. Too often there is no room for us to let any of it go. So- who’s holding the holder of it all?

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Held and Supported at the Apple Store
Donna Otmani Donna Otmani

Held and Supported at the Apple Store

After beating myself up for a bit (How'd I let this lapse in coverage happen? Why is this happening on the day I'm signing a new lease?!) I remember to turn it all over to the Divine. Affirming that the perfect solution is going to occur. Surrender the outcome- and go handle all the other things I needed to handle- so we could then go celebrate Aden's graduation with all of our friends.

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Dragonfly #signs
Donna Otmani Donna Otmani

Dragonfly #signs

Today, while I was taking a walk, I noticed I was having a hard time accepting the pace at which a project was unfolding. I was totally caught up in the belief that something is wrong, that this was a bad thing, that this was a problem to get on top of…
At that exact moment, a huge dragonfly (one of my favorite signs from Spirit) flew right up to me and hovered next to me…

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Held and Guided
Donna Otmani Donna Otmani

Held and Guided

So we keep talking- now mind you I haven’t shared any of the details of what is currently going on in my life- and out of the blue he says...

Remember you are the director of your life! You get to create it.

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Everything is unfolding perfectly
Donna Otmani Donna Otmani

Everything is unfolding perfectly

I’m in a period of huge transition in my career- knowing that one chapter is ending and that I’m being invited into a new experience. One that hasn’t fully revealed itself. So, it hit me that just like with pregnancy things unfold exactly as they do without me having to orchestrate everything.

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