Kristen’s Story


Donna is an amazing coach. She has helped me so much with some tough, inner work I have been doing over the past two years- specifically helping me follow my heart to leave a career that felt like it was sucking the life out of me.

She created a loving and focused container to really help me connect with exactly what was getting in the way of leaving it, even though I was deeply unhappy on many levels.

There were moments when it was uncomfortable for me...having to look at parts of myself that have been hurt or are that felt so much fear about money and that didn't believe I could actually do work that was meaningful and create a strong income.

But I have learned from Donna that my courage, creativity and freedom are just on the other side that work.

With her mentoring, I've learned to honor and allow of all of my emotions, my fears and my joy and that has been life changing for me. She has helped me slow down, ease into my own unique pace and timing, and take action when it's right for me.

I have learned to trust the unfolding process, and not push to "make things happen".

It's now been a year since I left that role, and I have never felt more myself, more happy and more grounded.

I highly recommend Donna as a coach. She is highly skilled at both keeping clients grounded in the moment and the feeling body, while also encouraging trust in divine guidance in all choices. As a healer, this type of coaching is invaluable to me. I needed to trust that my physical needs would be met when I left my job and chose the life I desired, rather than the one I felt I ‘should’ live. She will guide you to move through whatever is in your way so you, too, can find your freedom.

— Kristen S, Reiki Master and Former educator, happily letting my next career unfold. New York, NY.

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If you resonate with Kristen’s story, and are feeling the pull to explore possibilities in your own life, let’s connect.