Are you feeling called to make a significant shift in your life but find yourself hesitating to move forward?
Do you find yourself thinking about or talking a lot about one of the following areas:
changing your career or leaving your job
re-entering the workforce
ending your relationship/getting a divorce
starting to date and get into a new relationship
following a creative dream (writing a screenplay, publishing a book, performing standup, becoming a solo artist, etc.)
starting/expanding a business or closing/selling a business
up-leveling your health and well-being (releasing weight, starting an exercise program, getting off medication, getting a procedure done that you’ve been putting off)
buying/selling a house
I know how frustrating it can be at this stage- when this calling is so alive and present inside of you, yet you’re not moving forward. It can feel maddening! And if you’re like most you’re probably judging yourself for not being ready when you clearly know what you want to do.
Not being ready is not a problem.
It doesn’t mean you’re not committed to yourself or not disciplined enough.
You’re not bad, wrong, or lazy.
It simply means you’re GETTING READY TO BE READY.
When approached with curiosity and intentionality, this is a stage of deep growth and preparation.
I developed this 4-month course, GETTING READY TO BE READY to support you in shifting from a passive or reactive approach to the callings of your heart to a proactive and intentional one.
We will be focusing on the inner and outer preparation required to set the foundation for meaningful and sustainable growth toward your desired outcomes.
Preparation on the Inner Levels:
identify and release limiting beliefs and conditioning that are getting in the way
cultivate and activate an empowering mindset that supports what you are creating
develop greater levels of Self-trust and trust that Life has you
move into greater alignment with your inner wisdom
support and encourage yourself when the inevitable doubts and fears arise
Preparation on the Outer Levels:
gather information and data
identify resources and professional support
prepare for and have conversations
take required actions
This sacred process allows you to honor your inner calling with a high level of support, inner safety, and greater levels of inner willingness.
When you participate in Getting Ready To Be Ready you will:
find relief from the self-doubt and second-guessing about what to do and when to move
experience the ability to move from avoidance to taking inspired action
shift from being scared to follow your guidance to seeing it as a sacred opportunity to evolve
experiencing greater levels of trust in yourself, your process, and in Life/The Divine
know how to work with the fear that comes with growth rather than avoid it or be stopped by it.
feel more courageous and more hopeful about your journey
relax into the process as things unfold in divine timing
be wayyyy less judgmental of yourself and more accepting of where you’re at in this stage of growth
How to know if Getting Ready to be Ready is for you:
You have something significant you’re being called to shift in your world.
You recognize that being in a structured, focused, empowering container would be valuable.
You realize that while you have friends and family to talk about this with, you want to do this with others who are also at this stage of growth and experiencing similar feelings, and similar challenges and who are also committed to growing and following the calling of their heart.
You want to be held, supported, and encouraged through this process.
You want to stop being hard on yourself, doubting yourself, and buying into your limiting beliefs.
You’re ready to move from a disempowered mindset to an empowered mindset as you prepare yourself to cross this threshold.
Course Details:
To ensure a high level of support and intimacy, this course enrollment is limited to 12 individuals.
4, 90-minute Zoom classes*
4, 90-minute Group Coaching calls on Zoom*
8, 60-minute Co-working Sessions where you can harness group energy to take inner and outer actions
Focused inner and outer work home assignments to support forward movement
Investment: $1500.00
*All classes and group coaching calls will be recorded
*All classes and group coaching calls will be recorded.
I’m a soul-centered professional Coach, Facilitator and founder of the inrwrk
I’ve been immersed in personal development, coaching and spiritual growth for over 20 years. I received my Master's Degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica, and am a graduate of their Soul Centered Leadership and Soul Centered Professional Coaching programs.
I have used my unique soul-centered approach to coach and teach hundreds of individuals to listen to their inner wisdom, make aligned choices, and take inspired actions. This sacred work, steeped in the principles and practices of Spiritual Psychology, is designed for you to experience greater levels of fulfillment, meaning, and resonance in your life.
Donna, your willingness to stand for me made all the difference! Thank you for your brilliant coaching as I struggled mightily with my resistance to writing my book, “Sacred Success”. Your willingness to stand for me to share my truth, and to follow my inner guidance, despite my resistance, despite my fears made all the difference and allowed me to get this new body of work out in the world.
-Barbara Huson, Leading Authority on Women and Wealth, Port Townsend, WA
I am so grateful to have invested in Donna’s support on this journey. It was like going to the gym, except I had to build the muscle of trusting my inner guidance. Checking in, taking action, and watching how life unfolded in real time - versus staying stuck in the perpetual loops of “what ifs” and “I can’ts”.
Donna’s steady, grounded, soul-centered approach - coupled with her humor - created a super strong container for me to do the inner work and outer work I needed to do to leave my corporate career. (Something I’d been longing to do for many years.) I’m now creating a life where my Spirit is leading.
-Dawn S., Los Angeles, CA
Donna is an amazing coach. She helped me follow my heart to leave a career that felt like it was sucking the life out of me. She created a loving and focused container to connect with exactly what was getting in the way. There were moments when it was uncomfortable for me, but I have learned from Donna that my courage, creativity, and freedom are just on the other side of that work.
With her mentoring, I've learned to honor and allow all of my emotions, my fears, and my joy and that has been life-changing. She has helped me slow down, ease into my own unique pace and timing, and take action when it's right for me. It's now been a year since I left that role, and I have never felt more myself, more happy, and more grounded.
-Kristen S., New York, NY
Any questions? Email me at donna@donnaotmani.com.