“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning


A complimentary 4-week call-series starting October 11th

So many of us are deeply troubled by what is happening in our country right now as we move closer and closer to this historic election. There is so much at stake-and every day there seems to be something new occurring that activates feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, overwhelm, and despair. Action, activism, and being of service are VITALLY important during these times-and can definitely help reduce feelings of helplessness and/or feeling out of control.

The question many of us face is how can we be participate in the process AND take care of our mental health and well being at the same time? How DO we “choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances” ESPECIALLY when the stakes are so high and actual lives are at stake?

I’m Donna Otmani, M.A. I’m a soul centered professional coach and mentor. I’ve designed this call series to be a space for this exact exploration.

The purpose of this complimentary 4-week series:

  • It’s an opportunity to connect weekly with a community of men and women (age 18+) who are committed to staying awake and engaged while also taking care of their mental and emotional well-being.

  • To participate in and contribute to an environment of support, hope, inspiration, love, and care.

  • To explore tools and practices that help you generate, cultivate, and experience internal balance, peace, hope, and resilience amidst the external chaos and WHILE you’re taking action.

  • To have a dedicated time to create your own customized plans around activism and mental/emotional well-being for the week.

  • To have a time and place to turn your attention inward to hear what you authentically need.

Each week we will put time and attention on:

  • New exercises, tools and strategies that will support you in moving through intense emotions, including how to work with the inevitable fear or anxiety as it arises.

  • Expanding your ability to generate and sustain your experience of feeling safe no matter the outer circumstance.

  • Identifying which activities or thoughts minimize your stress and which ones ADD to it.

  • Creating your very own “Well-Being & Activism Game Plan” for the week ahead.

  • Acknowledging, celebrating and honoring your activism.

The more grounded, connected and in balance we are, the greater our ability to show up in our lives and in our activism more effectively, more empowered and with greater resiliency. 

Learning to cultivate our ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. And if you can learn this skill NOW- given all that is going on- imagine how this can impact other areas of your life!

Series details:

  • 4, weekly 90-minute live classes via Zoom (all calls will be recorded)

  • Sunday, Oct 11th, *Monday, Oct 19th, Sunday, Oct 25th, and Sunday, Nov 1st

  • 7:00-8:30 pm ET/4:00-5:30 pm PT  

  • Fee: this series is complementary!

If this feels like exactly what you need right now, register below.
And if you have friends, family, neighbors, co-workers that would benefit, please invite them to register as well.
