Any of this sound familiar? Are you someone who…

  • feels frustrated and perplexed as to why you can’t get out of this perpetual loop of dissatisfaction despite all the personal development work you've done already. 

  • feels like you “should” be happy with your life, but inside are deeply yearning for more.

  • feels disconnected from yourself and what brings you joy. Life just feels like a slog to get through, and you’re at a loss for how that can be different.

  • tends to be very independent, always in charge . . . but you secretly long to be able to lean on others for support. 

  • is horrified by the idea of being needy or selfish, to the point where you’re not even sure what your needs are, or how to prioritize them. 

  • wishes you could trust your gut more and make decisions that feel right for you.

  • feels stuck in a loop of doubt and worry, and really wants to find a way out of that pattern.

  • gets really hard on yourself when you’re feeling insecure, resistant, stuck, or when you feel fear and doubt. 

  • struggles with feeling unsure about yourself, your choices, and your direction, and wants to feel more confident and secure in yourself.

  • is tired of feeling like something’s missing, and wants to feel genuinely happy and at peace.

  • is exhausted from trying to stay on top of everything in life in order to feel good inside. 

Did any/many of these resonate with you?

The good news is there’s a whole new way- a whole new paradigm available to you.
A soul-centered paradigm- with totally different guidelines and rules of engagement AND tools and practices that allow you to relax, unfurl, trust, and take inspired action, thereby creating a life that is true to you, deeply meaningful, and free from struggling and striving.

The fundamentals of this soul-centered paradigm are at the core of our work together:

  • You are not, nor will you ever be, alone. You are always being held and guided by something greater than you.

  • The nature of God/Spirit/The Universe (insert a word that works for you) is loving, and it always wants what is for your highest good.

  • Ease and grace is way more powerful and effective than struggling, striving, pushing, and efforting.

  • We must take care of ourselves first before we can take care of others.

  • Authentic success comes from being connected to and following our deepest truth.

  • Everything is happening FOR you and not TO you.

  • Whenever you decide to go for something new in your life- every thought and belief that is in the way of you having that, will come forward to be worked with and moved through.

  • It’s not a problem when resistance, discomfort, and/or upset comes up it’s all an indication you’re on the right track!

  • When you clear these internal blocks, what you experience in life will either be completely different or those same scenarios will no longer trigger you (#winning)

As clients learn to operate from these truths more and more, they move from feeling frustrated, anxious, and uncertain about what's next, to feeling grounded, connected to their Truth, and trusting that life is unfolding perfectly.
Aka- happier, more fulfilled, and more confident in themselves and their choices.

Sound like the shift you want to have right now?

Keep reading to see how my coaching packages work.

One thing I know for sure: Change takes time, deep attention, and exquisite space.

That’s why my coaching style offers an extended, deeply supported container and I only work with a very limited number of clients at a time. This container is your sacred space, where you get to be held, guided and supported. We work together over a spacious amount of time, a minimum of 6-months of mentorship and support which includes:

  • 3 hours of coaching per month month

  • Customized home assignments to complete between sessions to assist you with cultivating a more empowering and self-supportive way of being.

  • Access to my powerful soul-centered tool library of audio recordings, videos, and workbooks that will support and accelerate your growth and expansion

  • Unlimited text/email support, so we can stay connected and in flow as life unfolds. That’s right, we go all in.

I know this is a huge commitment, on every level.

It’s an investment in yourself that involves your time, finances, and heart. One that will rewire and re-connect every aspect of how you show up in your life. One that will allow you the time, space, and support to gently and profoundly unfurl, relax, let go, and follow your inner guidance so you can live in alignment.

Sound intriguing? Let’s connect.

The coaching relationship is an incredibly personal one. One that requires safety, chemistry, and transparency.
The first step is for us to feel into whether we’d be a great fit.

Tune in and share a bit about yourself.

Give yourself some quiet, focused time to listen in and respond to the questions below. I will review your submission. If I get the sense that we are the right fit, I’ll be in touch to schedule a 90-minute discovery call to explore possibilities for working together.